Unfortunately, the unrooted Hoya elliptica cuttings have difficulty during shipping. I am aware that this is a more difficult Hoya, however, due to the amount of reports I have heard. I have decided to grow a replacement rooted cutting for everyone. I hope that with roots the cutting will have better chances during shipping.
It will take some time, approximately 10 weeks, before the rooted cuttings are ready. Assuming everything goes well with the propagation.
To prevent me from being overloaded with messages, I will retrieve from my system all orders from the past few months where Hoya elliptica has been ordered. You don't have to do anything and they will be sent free of charge when ready.
This also applies to anyone who has had contact before and has already had a replacement cutting. (I'm assuming this one isn't what it should have been either.
Unrooted Hoya amicabilis has done better in terms of shipping, but I have also received some messages here. Have you not contacted me yet, but has your cutting not done well either? I would also like to replace this with a rooted one. These also still need to be propagated.
This means that unfortunately I will no longer offer these Hoyas as unrooted ones in the future. This is because the risk of damage or worse is too great during shipping.
I hope that the rooted specimens will be a great success, so that you can also grow this beautiful Hoya in your collection.
I will keep you informed of the progress via this page.