Year 2025 is going to be a fantastic Hoya year!
In the not too distant future I will be working & shipping completely from the greenhouse. This means that the plants no longer have to bridge an extra shipment to me. In addition, I can offer a much wider range, because I can more easily cut cuttings and set up new plants. Where this used to happen in batches once every few months, this will now be weekly. For the time being, shipping will only take place on Mondays and/or Tuesdays. The entire webshop will change for this, and continue under a new name.
Almost 100 new Hoya species have been added to the collection. Including the most recent discoveries from the tropical rainforest and the most spectacular cultivation forms. Through various calls, I have obtained all these beautiful new species via you enthusiasts. Without your connections, love and passion for this plant, this would not have been possible. I am enormously grateful that you help make it possible to spread this special plant further around the world.
Unfortunately, I cannot continue to grow everything and certain species will also have to be said goodbye to. I will offer the last plants for sale because the current workspace needs to be cleared. There will be some discounts coming. Unfortunately, the temperatures are cold and changeable at the moment. Inform me if I have to hold the order for a while. This is still possible for an indefinite period.
In the future, you will also come across my Hoyas in other places and outside the EU. Not through me as a webshop. But they will be traded on the global market via a wholesaler. This will then take place in large quantities and not to private individuals. When the cultivation is ready for sale, I hope to be able to tell you more about this fantastic adventure. It will take a while before the Hoyas are big enough and the first sale takes place.
I have wanted a different company name for a long time. However, finding a good new name is not that easy. Everything I think of and like is not allowed or is already in use. Now that all these changes are coming, this is the best time to continue under a new name. And for that I need your help.
Do you know a nice new company name? Or is there perhaps already a name in circulation that is being used for me? Then I would like to hear from you.
Preferably something with Hoya in it but I am open to all (crazy) ideas.
You can easily reach me by email or via the chat button at the bottom right of the website.
